Friday, May 15, 2009

KEYS 100...OR 50...OR 100....

I am entered in this weekend's Keys Ultras. I originally had signed up for the 100 again. However, it appeared that I would have no crew due to various reasons, so I opted for the 50 miler instead. I was to run it with Mandy, one of my crew from last year's Keys 100. But late last night I heard that I might have some last minute crew volunteers, so I might be back in the 100! Not sure how wise this is as my conditioning isn't so great and I did a hard 20+ mile training run in Death Valley last weekend. Oh well, we will see.

UPDATE: Thanks to ultra Keys race director and all around great guy Bob Becker, I have a crew! 100 miles here I come.....gulp.

1 comment:

SwissRunner said...

Good luck! I'll be there next year...